Samsung For Program's Secret Codes
- *#06# displays phones IMEI NO.
- *#9999# SW Version.
- *#8888# HW Version.
- *#0842# Vibrator.
- *#0289# Buzzer.
- *#0228# Battery Stat.
- *#0782# RTC Display (?¿)
- *#0523# LCD Contrast.
- *#0377# NVM error log (?¿)
- *#5646# GSM Logo Set.
- *#0778# Sim Serv, Table. (?¿)
- *#0638# SIM Network ID.
- *#0746# SIM info.
- *#0076# Production No.
- *#3323# Forced Crash (?¿ don't know, but dose not sound good)
- *#2576# SIM error.
- *#4357# This screen ( the actural help screen)
- *#9324# Netmon <> press the hung up key to exit.
- *#0778# To see what your SIM suportes.
- *#0746# Your sim type.
- *#32439483 Digital Audio Interference off.
- *#32436837# Digital Audio Interference on.
- *#9998*JAVA# Edit GPRS/CSD settings (S100 only).
- *#9998*Help# Screen / List of codes.
- *#9998*RTC# RTC Display.
- *#9998*bat# Battery Status.
- *#9998*buz# Turns Buzzer On.
- *#9998*vub# Turns Vibator On.
- *#9998*LCD# LCD Contrast.
- *#9998*9999# Sotfware Version.
- *#9998*8888# Hardware Version.
- *#9998*377# Non Volatile Merory Error Log.
- *#9998*NET# SIM NEtwork ID
- *#9998*778# SIM Serv. Table.
- *#9998*968# Remider Tune.
- *#9998*NVM# Displays Non-Volitile Mermory Status.
- *#9999*C# Netmon.
- *#9998*2576# Forces SIM Error.
- *#9998*DEAD# Forces Phone Crash.
- *#9998*533# (LED).